Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Back to Barracks

June 23, 2010

It was a good (almost) 2 weeks of being husband and wife. Sam came home last June 11 to join us for the ultrasound, and I didn’t even know that he was on R&R! I only found out when we were talking with some of his classmates, and I was like, “Huh? R&R ka pala?” Well, it was a surprise blessing!

What’s really great was that his break coincided with the gap in my employment contract so I had a lot of free time. I think what’s even harder than being apart for a long time -- is that whenever you get that rare time together, you just want to make up for lost time and have fun BUT have to remember to be “real” as well. There are “real world” things to face, like family finances, dirty laundry + dishes, groceries, and STUPID DMCI Agent (specifically named NEIL ZAMORA, har, let’s get that out in the open I don't care if he finds out. ). It is so hard to take our attention away from planning picnics or “dates” when you have real world issues bugging you. Sigh.

Anyway, just a recap of our semi-break! It’s semi because I had to go to the office from time to time and he also had to attend to some “official” things on certain days.

- Ultrasound! We were also given a taste of 3d-4d imaging and now we are so tempted to go for the 7-month package. We’ll see how our moolah looks when that time comes. After the ultrasound, Sam was ultra happy so he took us out (together with my parents) to pizza.

- Mistah Hanna’s wedding at the Nuestra Senora de Gracia church in Guadalupe and reception at Blue Leaf. It was such a perfect wedding… it was my first time also to see an onsite video by Jason Magbanua , ang galing! Special mention also goes to the Joy San Gabriel mini-cakes. The couple’s pre-nup pictorial concept was also creative! They were palengke photos that showed Hanna wearing a house dress (‘duster’) and husband Albert ala-jeepney driver/ kargador/ pedicab driver. So cute!

- Sad thing, we had to dip into our savings because I couldn’t come up with my half for the condo amortization due to some late salaries and fees from some rakets. Will do better next time. Funny thing, I forgot to take out my “visioning” post-it from our passbook when we took out money from the bank. The teller laughed when he saw the purple post-it that read: “GOAL: 500,000 by 2012” Heheh.

- Errand day following up DMCI, inquiring at Pag-ibig, and checking out other financing institutions. We have been under DMCI’s high-interest in-house financing for more than a year now! To think that we were promised that we could transfer to Pag-ibig Financing in less than 6 months! The agent NEIL ZAMORA keeps on stringing us around, blaming Pag-ibig’s long process – when we found out they haven’t even submitted our docs to Pag-ibig! The NERVE talaga. I will write up a separate post on this highly stressful experience. We just wish that we could transfer our loan from in-house to another entity because it will cut our monthly amort to half! That will definitely be a big relief.

- I never did get a “real” date. For me a real date means movie, nice dinner (not fast food), overpriced coffee. But it was okay! I can date myself, hehe. I can spoil myself if he’s not here. We were able to watch Prince of Persia tho, and we really liked it!!!

- Drinking milk with honey every night, reading to my tummy, waiting for the baby to kick Sam in the face (which he did, once, when Sam sang to my tummy. Baby’s got taste!) . Also worth sharing is that the baby squirms a lot whenever we get to watch World Cup matches. It’s either he likes football or he gets irritated with those vuvuzuela horn sounds.

- I get irritated but I will miss cleaning up after Sam’s clutter. We have different standards for “clutter”. I am makalat to him, and he is makalat based on my standards. But it was nice when he asked me to lock myself in one bedroom while he dusted our room and the whole unit. Yey!

- We also reorganized the bedroom to make room for the baby and baby things. Such a relief also not to have my leg banging the corner of the bed every time I have to work on my desk (I am very clumsy)

- Sam is obsessed with Flat Screen TVs. We now have a pile of brochures and clippings, and I get bored to death with his detailed comparison of specs which he insists I listen to. But we have an agreement: He is not going to buy a TV until we have solved our DMCI issue. We’ve also agreed that I will not touch or contribute to this whole TV thing. It’s HIS project.

- We also had pizza for Fathers Day. We had a huge Yellow Cab Four Seasons Pizza delivered at our house in Binan to celebrate Sam and my dad. My mom cooked spaghetti and prepared fruit salad. The dinner was shared by my uncle, our old yaya and her brother’s family. We have a big household in Binan.

- I told Sam I want to cut up my credit card. He offered to hide it instead. I am now card-less until I finish paying the installments charged there.

- Our goodbye dinner tonight was sosy. We had an office event at Conti’s this afternoon and I took home leftover Lengua Estofado and Mango Cream Pie. We just cooked rice and then shared 3 slices of pie (melted, because I took public transpo going home..) and a mug of Kopiko instant coffee for dessert. He washed the dishes because I wasn't feeling too well. I just overheat a lot these days, huhu.

- And it took me HOURS to finish this entry because Sam is still here and being so talkative about loans and TVs and what he would like to do to the DMCI guy (tear him to pieces, report them to HLURB to Tulfo and to XXX!) Now he has finally gone to sleep…

Sam will leave tomorrow AM for Elyu. I will have a cleaner house and a fuller pantry but I will miss him to bits!


  1. RE: Stupid DMCI agent Neil Zamora. Pwede bang mauna na kami or our husbands can do it together? Hehe. Mag-two years na kasi kami di pa rin nalilipat sa PAGIBIG loan kaya ayun, most, if not all, our resources are focused on loan payment puro tuloy specs pa rin at brochure pa rin ng new car and hawak ko! haha. Try MBAI or AFPSLAI. May loan pa kasi kami nun sa MBAI kaya di namin malipat dun. Good luck! If ever mauna si Sam kay Neil, pakisabi, tirahan asawa ko. hehe.

  2. Mam cheann, kailangan talaga i-rally na natin lahat ng tao for action against DMCI. I have been hearing a lot of things, and even AFPSLAI says ang bagal talaga nila kumilos re: document processing for loan transfer. It's so unfair dahil the longer they "hold" you in debt, ang laki ng kinikita nila sa interes.

  3. I know the other Hanna. We were high school mates. I remember we were part of the same parliamentary team. She was the president. Ako yong taga sabi ng "I second the motion."

  4. karins, nice way of remembering haha "I second the motion" -- katuwa. Small world talaga tayo!

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