Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Move..that..Couch! - A Makeover Story 1

Are you familiar with the show, "Extreme Home Makeover" ? I've always imagined being a being a beneficiary of that show. Aside from a spanking new house, you also get to hug Ty, the hunky guy who hosts the show and leads the design team.

Well, a few weeks ago - a local magazine called me about a possible makeover of the Fort Boni condo! I actually forgot that I entered their makeover promo early May this year , and it was such a welcome surprise. (I didn't write about it for fear of jinxing :-) They conducted 2 ocular inspections - first by the managing editor and then 2nd by the interior designer. Now I can freely write about it because we got picked!

The magazine is giving the design team 2 weeks (starting Sept 12) to plan and execute within the provided budget.

We are excited, but at the same time soo anxious. I didn't realize that we will have to let go of most of our old stuff. Our first "wall (color)," our first dining table, our first carpet, etc. I am also nervous about the stuff they will put in.. what if we get a sticky vinyl couch that eats coins and sticks to the back of people's legs? Wah.

Still a blessing. Still another interesting story to add to our (growing) collection. So for now, let's wait until we yell.... "Move... that... Couch!"

*FYI, for the contest entry - We had to send a family photo and some room photos. I also had to write a 150-word statement about why we deserved the makeover. I wrote about how we'd like to make the place ready for a baby, who is living with my mom in Laguna because we don't have a baby-conducive space. I guess the tiny space challenged them!

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