Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Simple Joys


When is enough, enough?

This morning, we had a staff meeting where our boss updated us on the changes happening to our company globally. There will be changes in job titles, assignments, offices, job descriptions, and when possible, salaries.

I am aware that some people in the office are griping about their salaries. I know for a fact that some of these people are already receiving big salaries, judging from the clothes they wear, the cars they drive, the food they eat, the schools they went to and the schools where they send their kids to, and the amount they pay for their housing loans (1M a month??!?). But I was in awe to find them still asking for more.

If and when I reach that point in my life that I have more than enough money for my basic needs and then some,, will I still feel that I am deprived? Will it be a never ending chase for the big bucks? Scary. I hope not. But we never know... maybe I'm talking about simplicity now because I can't earn much. Talk about sourgraping ;-) haha.

Anyway, this brings me to journal about Chapter 3 of Bo's Simplify and Live the Good Life book... entitled, "Know that Happiness isn't only for Millionnaires". This time, we are asked about the simple joys that we can enjoy with very minimal (or even without!) cash outs. I'll limit my list to 10 things.

When I become super rich... I hope I'll still see the joys in these simple things:

1. Diary. Journal. Blog. - can be done for free or you can also pay for net access.

2. Pray. I find prayers of thanksgiving so refreshing. It reminds me of all the blessings. Also pray for the safety and peace of your loved ones.

3. Make a dream poster/ vision board. This is fun as long as you steer clear of feeling "pity" for yourself because of what you don't have. Think plenty!

4. Re-read your books. Borrow a good book. Or a DVD if you're not a book person

5. Send an email, call or chat with a friend you haven't spoken to in ages!

6.Walk. It'll burn calories. Just make sure you walk around a safe, pollution free space. Like a park or your neighborhood, or a football field

7. Do an art project. It doesn't have to be expensive!

8. Clean out your closet. Have fun laughing at clothes that used to be "trendy" and swoon over those that don't fit you anymore. Donate some to charity :-)

9.Look at old photos and savor the good memories. Reminisce with loved ones.

10. Hug. Kiss. Cuddle. Make Love. (But be sure to stay loyal to your partner ;-)

Have a great week everyone!

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