Monday, May 31, 2010


I so want one.

According to a Baby Center (a pregnancy newsletter I'm subscribed to) , Babymoons are those mid-pregnancy getaways when morning sickness is gone and energy is trickling back. It is the couple's chance for a last "couple only" getaway before the wife gets too big then the baby comes then their lives are forever changed.

Quoting from the article:

"The top dream destination: anywhere you can kick back and relax.The kind of trip you decide to take — and whether you go away for a week or a weekend, to the beach or a favorite city — will depend on how much time and money you have. If you don't have the resources for a trip far away, you might want to make a reservation at a nearby hotel or bed and breakfast. Request the honeymoon suite and treat yourselves to a nice dinner out. Order room service and have breakfast in bed. Just being together, out of your regular routine, will make it special.

Keep in mind that you may have to make some changes to accommodate your condition. Listen to your body and schedule a bit more downtime or naptime than you normally would. You'll need to avoid sports or activities that carry a high risk of falling or that may cause trauma to your abdomen. That means that things like surfing, diving, downhill skiing, and even some amusement park rides are off-limits. And scuba diving is a definite no-go. "

Sam is actually preserving his weekend leaves so he can accompany me during monthly OB checkups. Sam can't avail of his R&R (which was supposed to be scheduled this month) because he gave way to somebody else who lived in Mindanao (Sam explained that the guy couldn't go home to his wife during "quick, stolen weekends"). This is a major bummer because I'll be on vacation starting next week until July! But this is okay, because I imagine that one family in Mindanao is going to be happy to have their daddy there.

Maybe it's the thought that counts :-) Sam texted me last weekend saying that "when the baby comes, I'll go home every weekend." Hah. And so we wish.

Where do I want to go for the Babymoon? We definitely do not have enough money for a hotel or a bed and breakfast, so we'll just go somewhere closer... I want to go to the beach - even if it's just Calatagan or Laiya (not La Union, ang layo!), or have an Italian dinner at Buon Giorno in Tagaytay, maybe visit the Ilog ni Maria Bee Farm in Silang. Or watch that violin concert the Italian Embassy is sponsoring (which I can't find the number, huhu).

Oh well, if we can't go - I just hope he'll be here on the next ultrasound!

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