Monday, May 17, 2010

Croakin' New Shoes

First of all, thanks to my Tita G from California who sent me a pair of Skechers Shapeups ! I love them, even if they look so unusually Spice Girl-ish! I use them during my short morning walking exercises. They really do improve posture and you can feel the stretch. I also don't feel any back pain as compared to when I am using my regular track shoes or office shoes. There are a lot of cool reviews from pregnant users, too!

Now... here's another one! Sorry but you can't find anything like this anywhere ! First, it's highly unlikely that anyone near my circle of friends would like to have frog shoes... and second, I had these customized. I first heard about Momo Custom Design from Kiel (salamaat!!!) and when I saw her shoes, I spent a LOT of time thinking and thinking what I would want on my shoes. Hehe. And tada! After around 1 week of conceptualizing with Jasmin of Momo, she painted these!

I bought regular Advan shoes for under PHP 200.00, shipped the pair to Jasmin -- and paid PHP 600 for painting and shipping. We used a German postcard that I have in my collection as peg. I say it's time and money well spent because I just looove them.

Order your own shoes at :-) They have ready made designs you can choose from... or you can be adventurous and try what I did.
Jasmin is very flexible and creative , it was a really fun and creative experience...

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