Friday, November 26, 2010

Deperate and Daring

Last Sunday, unidentified men broke into our Tagaytay home while my parents were sleeping. They rummaged through the rooms and also took my mom's bag which was sitting right next to her on the bedside table. They were able to get cash, my mom's phone and a collection of credit cards and ATMs. As one of our ninongs said, this Christmas season, people are getting more desperate and daring.

That morning, police found out that the house next to ours was also broken into (no people inside) , and that most of the non-valuable contents of my mom's bag was scattered across the neighbor's garden. They also found gloves and a knife. Were the robbers ready to kill?

Thank God my parents did NOT wake up. What could've happened then? They could have been killed. Up to now we are pressuring the subdivision's security and Tagaytay police to not let this slip. We have already been warned by some of the locals that police might just take advantage of us and ask for "allowance" in exchange for the real investigation of the case. There's a risk of shelling out money while a fake investigation takes place.

To date, what we have is an erroneous police report. I do not want to jump into any conclusions about our police force, because they are "brothers in service" after all. I hope this won't turn out to be a disappointment.

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