Saturday, February 19, 2011

Yayas in Scrubs?

Tonyo's 6th month is fast approaching. And it is our unwritten goal to start actively searching for his yaya ("Yaya" is Filipino for nanny) by his 6th month. I am actually dreading facing the yaya issue because I have heard so many stuff from my mommy friends. One such issue is about the daily wear of yayas -- the younger ones are prone to love skimpy, sexy wear. Inappropriate!

One alternative is to have yayas wear fashion scrubs . Gone are the days of the drab gray or green medical uniforms - They now come in all colors with cute designs. When Tonyo was in the NICU, Sam and I were able to wear pink and blue Mickey Mouse scrubs. Fun :-) They probably did this to get that "hospital-sick" stigma one gets when one sees dark scrub suits.

I have encountered a few yayas wearing healthcare uniforms - also gone are the days of frilly blue and white aprons for yayas ala-"Dutch maid") and they look really clean, presentable, and professional. Almost as if you have a professional nurse for a yaya.

The downside: I don't think real nurses nowadays are happy with this new "yaya in scrubs" trend !

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1 comment:

  1. hi hanna! i'm a doctor, and i'm not really thrilled either. hehe.



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